
Some People Just Don't Get It

What is the point of working hard? Is it so that you can enjoy a standard of living above and beyond that which other people are comfortable with? Consider for a moment that work is the driver and enjoyment is a reward. Have you ever heard it said "Hard work is its own reward" and then wondered, "What the heck does that mean?"

To thread the eye of the needle on its first attempt brings additional satisfaction to the tailor. It means they can put more concentration into difficult parts of sewing because the easier parts did not waste their resources.

Everyone has heard some form of the Peter Principle (PP), that folks are promoted to their highest level of incompetency. This would imply after some settlement period that the exact wrong person for the job will  hold a position for which they clearly cannot master (else they would have ascended the ranks into a subsequently higher achievement). The PP is in direct opposition to that "Hard work..." statement because the proper motivation for satisfaction is assumed to be change.

Given this line of reasoning it makes more sense to unthread needles than it does to risk fixing the wrong button onto a shirt.

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