
That's Me! But why is this man smiling?

What did the engineer say to the manager at the fitness center?

Nothing. If social skills were supposed to be getting a workout the two would have met in a church.


Think Like an Engineer, Write Like a Diplomat, and Talk Like The Wind

Many years ago I worked at Boeing. I remember one engineer always referred to me as a "Philadelphia Lawyer." I am still unsure of what was meant exactly by this moniker but it had something to do with "choose your words well."

I had a boss who was prone to making witticisms like "when you buy an airplane it doesn't come with flying lessons" and "we're not building Swiss watches here." Be careful. Don't lie, cheat, or steal. Let me put that in writing for you.


Engineering Disease

Engineers can't be held responsible for exposing the truth.

Check out these Dilbert words and show compassion:


How To Become An Expert

  1. Lose Inhibition
  2. Gain Ambition
  3. Pay Attention
  4. Hope
  5. Learn
Hang on to Hope: Things will get better