
Great Expectations

We pick up the pieces and begin afresh, wiser for the failure, more dedicated than ever, and committed to the cause:

  • You ask too much.
  • I don't.
  • You don't allow others the freedom to make mistakes.
  • Right. So that's your life we're toying with.
  • You want me to try again?
  • Absolutely. It's not over. We're just getting started.
  • What guarantee can you give?
  • It's not going to happen without your help.
  • Lord forgive us.
  • At least now we're all in. It's not perfect. Nothing ever is. But we're going to give it our best shot.

Engineers and Mathematicians

Are engineers mathematicians? Are mathematicians engineers?

To become better engineers, mathematicians must let go of strict adherence to mathematical principles; to put it another way, we must not be so nit-picky.

To become better mathematicians, engineers must show proof that the fruit of their analysis is meaningful, significant, and worthwhile. This implies being open to the possibility that our efforts are immaterial, inconsequential, ineffective, and unimportant.

One way for doing this (i.e. both engineering and mathematics) is to acknowledge the presence of God. We may or may not have adequate resources to make a difference by ourselves but with humility and collaboration we can assume that mountains (which couldn't be proven to exist) have (or will be) moved.


Baggage Assessment: Save Or Delete?

Let's take a little trip, you and me. Now be careful!

There is a problem with being a saver: only those things which the "savee" deems appropriate are preserved. As a result the value system of the "savee" along with all their errors, flaws, and mistakes get recorded. Future returns to the collection might best be described as a "Cover Your Ass" exercise whenever efforts are made to view damages in their best (most conducive to the "savee's" agenda) light.

There is a problem with being a "cleaner" too: any attempt to clear debris might also be regarded as misconstruing evidence.

I hunger for righteousness.


What Is Best?

Does anyone really know what is best? We try to do the right thing, follow our belief systems, and adhere to morals...but what does that get us? The best part of a good life is spent setting, seeking, revising, and attaining goals.

A Chinese Philosopher once wrote (paraphrased), "It is not the destination but the journey which brings happiness and gives life." This statement must be regarded as wise--regardless of the culture from which a person originates. Essentially it says "Do your best and the outcome won't matter."

There is value and a sense of self-worth which  comes from hard work. When we work hard and pursue goals we feel best and truly make a difference. In contrast, those who attain "the Good Life" early or without hard work often fail to appreciate the sacrifices required to earn it. Much like a body building antibodies for disease control and resistance to infection, if we become accustomed to liberal doses of medicines or anti-bacterial treatments, it won't be long before those culprits mutate and multiply, creating antibiotic-resistant strains for which there are no easy cures.

Imagine how minor aches and pains (headaches, sore muscles, etc)--easily treatable now with aspirin or Ibuprofen--would appear if cures required overnight  hospital stays.

Further along this point, when those living "the Good Life" become accustomed to certain pleasures, avoiding deprivations and attaining expectations, the inherent weakness becomes "following the path of least resistance."

In the long run the Objective of Life should be to work hard, appreciate the contributions of others, and be satisfied with a varied existence.

Gladly It All Ends (Sadly)

How much misery and brokenheartedness can one person endure?


Purpose For Making Plans

  1. Think without Knowing
  2. Know without Acting
  3. Act without Thinking

  • Create Plan
  • Stick to Plan
  • Complete Plan
Not enough time for everything? PRIORITIZE Planned Items

Do the best you can and be satisfied!