While it pays more to become a cynic, a surrealist becomes more in touch with God.
What "they" (we know who you are) do is despicable.
The Lord is close to the despairing; Paradoxically when people get thrust into hells created on this earth they become close to despairing.
Please. Ask any engineer you meet. Scroll down, okay? ok. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... expressed resultant data, extracted by gleaning and iterations, clarifies disorder in excruciating detail. Experience miracles in everyday life. Hope changes everything.
One Engineer’s Statistical Experience
“Data trumps intuition.” But is intuition the same thing as “engineering judgment” or do different levels of logical control become applied to individuals and are these intended to make examples for the group? If you can prove something with statistics does this satisfy the expectation that it will become true? How can we exist in the dream world of go/no go, in/out, up/down, on/off, guilty/not guilty—opposites, when purportedly every line crossing is explainable, intentional, and irreversible?
*Bias Alert! If we learn…we might be able to guess the reason for study and we might rethink our opinion of the data. “Who is made to hold a smoking gun” should make us suspicious when there is no crime. Knowing the context of the data protects us from misinterpretation.
Lulled into Complicity.
Illustration: Consider that a particular motto “Tough on Flaws” gets adopted by the quality control manager at a plastic bag manufacturing company. Although the bags are remarkably versatile, have excellent capacity, and are long-lasting, nowhere in the product description is the claim “completely waterproof” because in fact the bags do leak. The R&D department is testing different polymer combinations which could maintain existing benefits as well as provide additional benefits (such as increased leak-resistance) but to date these investigations have not been conclusive.
Who? What? Why? If bags are under-filled, the contents only slightly liquid (i.e. mostly solids), or the stress is not repetitive…voilĂ ! The claim is made that the bags are now leak free (albeit no longer simultaneously dry while demonstrating the other desired traits). By changing the usual and accepted definition of goodness the authority has contaminated our value system and we suffer demoralization.
If a sample is filled with fluid to over-capacity and gets repeatedly stressed, the bag fails to endure the trial. When QC or any such power imparts a battery of examinations designed to “expose flaws” and is (thereby) generating proof of claims, the basic measuring system is compromised. Such is the method some charging decisions follow.
Imagine the shock when consumers discover they were duped. The horror is that “bait and switch” tactics produced an end which does not justify the means. Dismay is an understatement of the disappointment that follows exposition of flawed logic. Recalcitrant authorities must set right the disturbed integrity of samples else all will be lost!
Back to our example. If you are perfectly satisfied with outcomes—say the resealable one gallon bag will hold up to one gallon of your produce—and suddenly the bag manufacturer switches their product, claiming “New and Improved—Now Leakproof” then what consequence are you willing to accept? Yes it is new but No it is not improved. Now a ten pound bag won’t hold ten pounds. Its goodness has been diminished.
Rejection of the argument “unacceptable loss” because “the old product was flaw-laden” is not agreeable. Forget the fact you went through learning curves, paid your dues, caused a few mistakes but made a lot of excellent contributions too, and gained efficiencies in areas outside your chosen field of expertise. You yourself are recovering from system vulnerability (it takes 20 pounds of effort to achieve 10 pounds of fit). Advocate for mutual respect.
To establish causality, you need to run controlled experiments. There are many books on controlled experiments in multiple domains, including health.
That’s where you should search for related materials.
If I caused you to trip and you caused the next guy to stumble and they caused the one after them to fall and so on, when does blame enter the scope? Say that I developed an amazing fertilizer which increased the outcome of production ten-fold, a distributor incorporated a binding agent to prevent storage decay making the fertilizer 1/10th the previous cost (due to reduction in losses), and a farmer applied the fertilizer to a crop which was in remarkably short supply, thereby increasing availability. Furthermore the law of Supply and Demand happened to not keep up with this particular consumable. Now it turns out that all who came within six degrees of contact with the commodity are stricken with cancer. But forget trying to make sense of this toilet-bowl spiral in shame…
Instead say that I recognized an amazing cure for an undeniable trend in the population’s behavior. The authorities said “not interested” but I looked for a way to develop interest anyway. A second batch of rejections came from the establishment. Undaunted I tried again. A third layer of naysayers shot me down. And so on until I could go no further. Finally someone recognizes the goodness of the proposition however by this time changes must be made and modifications are required in order for the agenda to proceed. What caused the population to refuse healing? When does complicity in rejection of solution become involvement for advancing success?
Credit? Blame? Promised improvement does not supersede viable deliverables. The Customer/Supplier chain puts us all in the same bed; if one is guilty then the other is guilty too—we all lose when the population distances itself from compassion and care for the individual! Perhaps the greatest criminals are those who sway public opinion without getting caught.
*I am concerned this article has gotten too philosophical. It is not too intellectual for anyone to recognize the argument that there will never be proof of which came first: chicken or egg. However when present day authorities cite evidential observations as clues to justifiy the advancement of one agenda it necessarily restricts other advancements. The public is known for catching on to whatever version of the truth pleases them. For example, "Let them eat cake" (see http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/dubiousquotes/a/antoinette.htm) could be a misquote which lives on in infamy.
*I am concerned this article has gotten too philosophical. It is not too intellectual for anyone to recognize the argument that there will never be proof of which came first: chicken or egg. However when present day authorities cite evidential observations as clues to justifiy the advancement of one agenda it necessarily restricts other advancements. The public is known for catching on to whatever version of the truth pleases them. For example, "Let them eat cake" (see http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/dubiousquotes/a/antoinette.htm) could be a misquote which lives on in infamy.
The Honest Truth
Two camps: Visual Learners/Experiential-Based Planners
Two endings: "Good for the Goose"/"I can't watch"
Too late: Nobody cares/Enough
To end is to begin again in a new direction
Too bad...we were just getting the hang of it
Tue too soon?/Two too few/To two Tues too?
Tutu, Two to's. Too too difficult to expect anyone to navigate through impossible circumstances and find a way to bail us all out.
The miserable part is that we could have done it all.
We should have known better, tried harder, and expected more.
Silent Night sounds good even when it can't be heard.
A unifying element is the need to survive.
I'm afraid your boys don't see things the same way as most of our'n.
Pay attention: what do you read between the lines?
Two endings: "Good for the Goose"/"I can't watch"
Too late: Nobody cares/Enough
To end is to begin again in a new direction
Too bad...we were just getting the hang of it
Tue too soon?/Two too few/To two Tues too?
Tutu, Two to's. Too too difficult to expect anyone to navigate through impossible circumstances and find a way to bail us all out.
The miserable part is that we could have done it all.
We should have known better, tried harder, and expected more.
Silent Night sounds good even when it can't be heard.
A unifying element is the need to survive.
I'm afraid your boys don't see things the same way as most of our'n.
Pay attention: what do you read between the lines?
Balance Your Passion
What the world needs more of is...
Whenever I feel strongly about something I should wonder "How will this influence my world?" and "How will the world react to me?"
For example, if I took everything I love and brought it together under one cause, would I be willing to follow the dreams spun from that cause into death?
The reality is that there won't be ample opportunities for redo's.Like precious metals which are set to show off the beauty of stones, there isn't nearly enough of the good stuff to make a second round.
Get serious. Get in. Get happy. Get ready to get out.
Whenever I feel strongly about something I should wonder "How will this influence my world?" and "How will the world react to me?"
For example, if I took everything I love and brought it together under one cause, would I be willing to follow the dreams spun from that cause into death?
The reality is that there won't be ample opportunities for redo's.Like precious metals which are set to show off the beauty of stones, there isn't nearly enough of the good stuff to make a second round.
Get serious. Get in. Get happy. Get ready to get out.
Goodbye To Engineering
I want to make choices as simple as possible. Let’s be perfectly clear: I decided it was time for a career transition. After 25 + years of working in various industries and engineering fields I executed my exit strategy:
B) When should I do it? Collapse of global economic conditions further induced my hiatus. As one who was carrying too much responsibility, I bailed out, becoming a fixture at the fitness center and devoting vast concentrations of attention to music in the church choir. Finally I reconnected with ideals of my past:
1. cease seeking work as an engineer
2. rejuvenate lost interests
3. develop career path
A) Why should I do it? I would not die from stress-related illness in a cube somewhere working as an underappreciated contract employee but it surely seemed possible! The first thing to let go of was my willingness to absorb the consequences of bad technical decisions made by others. I didn't burn out so much as I could no longer justify repression of my instinctive nature. Some things were chosen as personal preference only. It was time for my likes and dislikes to become known. It was time for my opinions to be followed. It was time for real change. I chose to not renew the professional license because frankly I was tired of mitigating blunders; I would no longer serve in a capacity where byproducts required me to have error and omission liability insurance. I could become free again!B) When should I do it? Collapse of global economic conditions further induced my hiatus. As one who was carrying too much responsibility, I bailed out, becoming a fixture at the fitness center and devoting vast concentrations of attention to music in the church choir. Finally I reconnected with ideals of my past:
- help people
- develop spiritually
- be grateful, kind, and generous
1. choose a more life-giving field
2. update educational qualifications at school
3. transition (return) to becoming a full-time student
Absolutely I was at the top of my game before emergance as an engineer. I dug deep and rediscovered my passion came from 9th grade math (Algebra). I was a math tutor in high school and I loved it. Eureka! That's it! I would become a math teacher! Other factors made this quest appealing:
· Diversified industry experience like mine is rare
· Knowledgeable math and science teachers are in high demand
· Male teachers are in limited supply
Job-seeker awareness also applied to this career transition:
1. I have a lot to offer (everyone does).
2. We all wake up to our own mornings—nobody else's.
3. At times the solution of one problem is the start of another but it is still moving forward.
I enrolled at a community college to take a (refresher) math course. I will enroll at a local college in Fall 2012 and begin earning a Masters in Education with an emphasis in math. Here are baseline requirements:a) Earn a Master's Degree in Education
b) Qualify to teach upper grades (9th and above)
c) How shall this be paid for? Scholarship? Sponsors? Out-of-pocket expense? Loans? The financial picture always influences outcome.
Pursuit of technical brilliance is over. Time for me to set new goals.
Pertinence and Relevance
We are screwed in a global society. We do not understand pertinence or relevance.
It does no good to explain the difference. Instead, examine the noted examples and draw your own conclusion:
Impertinence is not the same as irrelevance.
A pertinent contribution is one which continues to exploration of a (going) concern at hand (locate the next petrol station when your fuel tank gague reads Empty); a relevant input explores more easily recognizable truth (the 500 km car trip will require refueling of the vehicle).
It does no good to explain the difference. Instead, examine the noted examples and draw your own conclusion:
- The neighbor commits suicide.
- It is the neighbor's turn to drive the carpool.
Impertinence is not the same as irrelevance.
- One person makes a difference for another person.
- I am not impacted by what others do.
A pertinent contribution is one which continues to exploration of a (going) concern at hand (locate the next petrol station when your fuel tank gague reads Empty); a relevant input explores more easily recognizable truth (the 500 km car trip will require refueling of the vehicle).
- Is it pertinent that we don't connect with loved ones? Is it relevant that we remain this way?
Do The Math
What do these statements have in common:
Think about it. When the very best we can hope for is to achieve our goals then fallacy lies in establishment of worthwhile goals. If the very worst we can imagine is failing to achieve our goals then we presume too much by thinking our goals are all-encompassing.
The best part of awareness is knowing you did your best.
- Do The Math.
- The Proof Is In The Pudding.
- It Ain't Over Until...
Think about it. When the very best we can hope for is to achieve our goals then fallacy lies in establishment of worthwhile goals. If the very worst we can imagine is failing to achieve our goals then we presume too much by thinking our goals are all-encompassing.
The best part of awareness is knowing you did your best.
An Engineer's Perspective Of How Blogs Work And Why These Need To Be Adapted For Serving Future Needs
Facebook. Twitter. Linked In. Blogs. Each use a distinctly different approach to Social Networking.
There is value in networking. It is a way to generate camaraderie, understanding, and support. Social Networking might be of the fill-in-the-blanks form. It may take the whom-do-you-know-that-I-could-get-introduced-to-and-become-drawn-closer-to-my-objective form. It could be of the this-just-happened-and-I-am-recording-it-live form.
Now examine archives. Junk which is saved or recorded for historical purposes is not the same as data that strives to shape a culture. Think of it like this: Is its value increased or diminished by redundant viewing?
Get rid of the infatuation with the words "new content." Go for "old and boring." It may be that the best option develops out of the tired, tried, and true perspective for living meaningful lives. The complication of life is that although "we may never pass this way again" someone else with an entirely different experience-base will pass this way again.
So how should blogs become contributors to a solution in this tricky arena? It is true that a picture is worth a thousand words. But ten pictures are the same as ten thousand words: Information Overload. In order to work smarter-faster we must dumb-down our expectations. Intuitively obvious data (for some) becomes a sudden leap of understanding (for others) and an indicator of good will. What would your great-great-great grandchildren say to you if they found your ear? Do you realize your resolve will be speaking volumes for years to come?
There is value in networking. It is a way to generate camaraderie, understanding, and support. Social Networking might be of the fill-in-the-blanks form. It may take the whom-do-you-know-that-I-could-get-introduced-to-and-become-drawn-closer-to-my-objective form. It could be of the this-just-happened-and-I-am-recording-it-live form.
Now examine archives. Junk which is saved or recorded for historical purposes is not the same as data that strives to shape a culture. Think of it like this: Is its value increased or diminished by redundant viewing?
Get rid of the infatuation with the words "new content." Go for "old and boring." It may be that the best option develops out of the tired, tried, and true perspective for living meaningful lives. The complication of life is that although "we may never pass this way again" someone else with an entirely different experience-base will pass this way again.
So how should blogs become contributors to a solution in this tricky arena? It is true that a picture is worth a thousand words. But ten pictures are the same as ten thousand words: Information Overload. In order to work smarter-faster we must dumb-down our expectations. Intuitively obvious data (for some) becomes a sudden leap of understanding (for others) and an indicator of good will. What would your great-great-great grandchildren say to you if they found your ear? Do you realize your resolve will be speaking volumes for years to come?
Want Perfect Cookies? Oatmeal Crispies Magic!
Tried and True: Vegetable Shortening. But What About Vegetable Oil?
Consider changing elements in your arsenal of standards to achieve desired uniformity and increase your know-how! Developmental, experimental, new...call it what you want. Unless we are willing to attempt operations "outside the box" every now and then we will never become adept at exercising judgment in unfamiliar circumstances..
Questions? Comments? Feedback? Please feel free to reply. Other cookie-baker-wannabees will appreciate the dialogue.
Consider changing elements in your arsenal of standards to achieve desired uniformity and increase your know-how! Developmental, experimental, new...call it what you want. Unless we are willing to attempt operations "outside the box" every now and then we will never become adept at exercising judgment in unfamiliar circumstances..
- Gourmet baking sheets (coined edges add rigidity and these have a variegated baking surface).
- Cooling Racks: remove baked cookies from sheets immediately and place on cooling racks.
- Sturdy spatula (stainless steel) and clean both the spatula and cookie sheet between batches.
- Assemble all baking tools and ingredients in advance. Premix dry ingredients in a separate bowl and whisk into uniformity prior to adding into wet mixture.
- Some recipes call for pregreased (spray with no-stick) sheets.
- Roll dough into quick balls between palms; use a "magic spoon" to take identical volumes of dough from the bowl. It may be possible to roll dough balls in advance and rest them on a stick-proof surface. Chill dough or allow set time (as required) to ensure complete mixing.
- Size cookie dough balls to achieve 9, 12, or 16 cookies per sheet (space in uniform pattern) which doesn't allow baking cookies (melting dough) to touch one another.
- Adjust baking times and temperatures accordingly. Preheat or reduce oven temperatures as desired.
- Packaging: separate by size, grade by quality, stack back-to-back, sort as required.
Questions? Comments? Feedback? Please feel free to reply. Other cookie-baker-wannabees will appreciate the dialogue.
How Can I Help?
Become Most Honest
- Start by doing what I see needs to be done. Don't limit myself to that which has been done before.
- Take on second careers as though these are recognized and endorsed by others. The difference will be less support but more passion.
- When gratitude exceeds conscription then repayment is complete.
Engineering Economics
ROI--Return On Investment. What is it worth? What is anything worth? Value is in the eye of the beholder. I would do anything to protect that which I hold most sacred.
Supply and Demand. Inadequate and insufficient are unacceptable conditions. That's just the way it is. BS. Artificially induced limits are a marketeer's greatest ploy..
Salvage Value. When you trade hits with someone and play the losing game, be careful what you believe are unrecoverable losses.
Thirty years later...no, one year thirty times.
Supply and Demand. Inadequate and insufficient are unacceptable conditions. That's just the way it is. BS. Artificially induced limits are a marketeer's greatest ploy..
Salvage Value. When you trade hits with someone and play the losing game, be careful what you believe are unrecoverable losses.
Thirty years later...no, one year thirty times.
Intangible Goods
Whenever the focus of a career is on solvency issues, the shift in priorities necessarily mandates change will result for something! As a professional this restructuring of priorities must not be allowed to influence right-relationships (i.e. no collapses, failures, or unaccounted losses are allowed).
In simplest terms: tell me what you're thinking and I will work with you to reach an agreement.
In simplest terms: tell me what you're thinking and I will work with you to reach an agreement.
Not What or Who but Why--An Informative Analogy about Satisfaction
In the old days (but not before my time) it was "What you know" which gave you distinction and made you successful. Gradually the rise of instant communications and connectivity shifted the weight of preponderance to "Who you know." Alas, "Why you know" is now destroying us.
Think about hair growth on the head. It has a purpose (coverage), a reason (protection), and even a season (I needed my hair when I was younger...). The what (hair color, hair texture, etc) shouldn't give much occasion for doubt to a boy. However a young man might devote more attention to appearance and maintenance (hair care) as he strives to reach a mark. The who (salons, barber shops) could provide the means to an end but at the root there was always a follicle pushing the issue of appropriateness.
Why do you have hair? How did you get it? Why is it (or isn't it) different or the same? Interrogation is of limited value. When the importance of quickly finding an answer (EG: "over 100,000 hairs on the head") takes precedence over understanding why an answer is sought then we become fixated on manipulating the fast answer to meet search criteria (100,000 hairs cut at 1/2" length = 6,250 hairs at 8"). To appreciate a buzz cut on a full head of hair is not the same thing as growing a scraggly mop.
Think about hair growth on the head. It has a purpose (coverage), a reason (protection), and even a season (I needed my hair when I was younger...). The what (hair color, hair texture, etc) shouldn't give much occasion for doubt to a boy. However a young man might devote more attention to appearance and maintenance (hair care) as he strives to reach a mark. The who (salons, barber shops) could provide the means to an end but at the root there was always a follicle pushing the issue of appropriateness.
Why do you have hair? How did you get it? Why is it (or isn't it) different or the same? Interrogation is of limited value. When the importance of quickly finding an answer (EG: "over 100,000 hairs on the head") takes precedence over understanding why an answer is sought then we become fixated on manipulating the fast answer to meet search criteria (100,000 hairs cut at 1/2" length = 6,250 hairs at 8"). To appreciate a buzz cut on a full head of hair is not the same thing as growing a scraggly mop.
More Feedback to Park Aid
- What a super idea! It definitely takes an engineer--also creativity and inventiveness. Thanks for sharing.
- Good idea! Yes, we park in a overcrowded garage, so Craig may just try it out!
- I like it, Dan. The ball was a nuisance in the down position. Good thoughts. I especially need a guide to get in the garage.
- Interesting. I'll keep that in mind.
- Hey I like the idea. Took me a while to figure out what you were explaining. Do you remember "Wordless Workshop" in Popular Science magazine? Kinda reminds me of those type of projects. I even bought some cord and screweyes to do my installation, however the westward facing garage maintains a steady 120F in the summer, so I gotta wait till it cools off.
- saved this in my letters to remember folder
- Very cool, Dan!! I will pass this along to Mike.
The Difference Between EGAD and NGAD.
When a person first becomes free to operate the controls in life solo, they are faced with the question "Why (anything)?" In other words, can their action--and continued action--be justified? They decide then and there how much hope exists in the world and if becoming successful in others' eyes is worth the effort on their part.
Most often this crux is guided by parents, family, and friends with shared experiences of expectation. It takes investment to build confidence; it requires patience, tolerance, and forgiveness to build hope.
The difference between EGAD and NGAD is earned through love, one person at a time. If we "give a damn" about others then there can be hope for ourselves. Without compassion in the world all is lost. On an individual basis it is as simple as determining who should bite the hand that feeds us: everyone or no one.
Most often this crux is guided by parents, family, and friends with shared experiences of expectation. It takes investment to build confidence; it requires patience, tolerance, and forgiveness to build hope.
The difference between EGAD and NGAD is earned through love, one person at a time. If we "give a damn" about others then there can be hope for ourselves. Without compassion in the world all is lost. On an individual basis it is as simple as determining who should bite the hand that feeds us: everyone or no one.
What's The Point If You Don't Give It Away?
A Great Dane, a Mastiff, a Saint Bernard, and a Dashund entered a kennel bar. The state-of-the-art bistro was neatly arrayed with feeders and dog foods from around the world.
“I’ll take 25 pounds of the kibble,” orders the Dane.
“Same for me,” barks the Mastiff.
“Me too,” woofs the Saint Bernard.
All eyes turn toward the Dashund. Carefully she walks past every bowl in a long line of tubs. Slowly she lowers her head to sniff the contents of each feeder before moving on to the next. At last she says, “Please give me …………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”
“Don’t worry about it. You have reason for big pause,” says the bartender.
Park Aid--How to install the mechanism in a garage to perfectly position your car!
Park Aid Instructions
by Dan Zeorlin
Automatic overhead garage door openers make terrific conveniences. The simple, inexpensive, and easy-to-adjust "Park Aid" adaptation described here is a great custom tool, extending the ability to know where your car is in relation to the garage door. You might never risk parking the car too far forward in your garage again or loathe fearing the car was parked too short, exposing its rear to be struck by the closing door.
Garage Door (and Garage Door Opener) Positions
Take it to the next level.
by Dan Zeorlin
Automatic overhead garage door openers make terrific conveniences. The simple, inexpensive, and easy-to-adjust "Park Aid" adaptation described here is a great custom tool, extending the ability to know where your car is in relation to the garage door. You might never risk parking the car too far forward in your garage again or loathe fearing the car was parked too short, exposing its rear to be struck by the closing door.
Garage Door (and Garage Door Opener) Positions
- Open
- Closed
- Inside
- Outside
- Up
- Down
Take it to the next level.
- Attach a Park Aid ball at the end of a cord.
- Attach an eye screw to the ceiling in a location which will allow the extended tethered ball (Down Position #2) to contact the car windshield when parked ("Inside Position" #1).
- Thread cord through ceiling eye and attach an adjustable stop to cord. Note: The fine tuned position of the stop will be set later (stop prevents over-extension of tether based on car "Inside Position #1" with weight of driver included on specific automobile). For now merely approximate the required distance of the tethered extension.
- Fix an eyelet (attach point) near the top of the garage door (possibly easier while door is in the "Closed Position #2).
- Thread cord through door attach point (door in "Closed Position #2" and Park Aid in "Up Position #1").
- Options: Your configuration might be enhanced through the use of additional guides (eyes) located along the length of the cord and small ballast weights added to the cord. These can be added to control the drape of the cord if it becomes excessive (door "Open Position #1" and car "Inside Position #1").
- Occasionally you may wish to reset the stop position based on driver preferences and optimize the Park Aid ("Down Position #2).
This depiction of the ceiling eye screw shows an adjustable stop needing tweaks.
The presence of a hook keeps the cord near the ceiling.
Garage Door Closed Position #2.
Routing via guide attached to ceiling.
Garage Door Open Position #1.
Park Aid Down Position #2.
Routing via guide attached to door track.
Park Aid Up Position #1.
What Happens When...
- WHW scouts become engineers?
- WHW engineers are deprived of creative opportunities?
- WHW leadership and management cease to stress individual value?
- WHW the experienced are repurposed to fulfill their inner desires?
I don't want to wait for my life to be over before I...
Nobody owns recycled materials
I once attended a conference where the speaker said "It's about the delivery and management of intellectual property (IP)."
I'm here to tell you it's all about finding ways to help others, intellectuals or not.
I'm here to tell you it's all about finding ways to help others, intellectuals or not.
Interface Control Drawings
I love to write. I love to sketch. I love to analyze. Put these together and what do they define? Boundaries, edges, and crossovers. ICD's don't marginalize per se but they do make it easier to pass judgment on crucial thoughts.
Here is a hypothetical example: Say that someone were to work hard and accumulate resources for a worthy cause. At the crucial moment when they are about to capitalize on this investment, a thief enters the scene, poised to seal away the goodness. Is it possible an ICD or advanced contingency plan should be consulted to thwart the loss? It is probable the formation of laws, rules, and regulations plus the vindictive nature of some humans won't exercise compassion and will treat all parameters in a technical, rigorous behavior devoid of personality.
The wealth is in the understanding, not the ruling.
Here is a hypothetical example: Say that someone were to work hard and accumulate resources for a worthy cause. At the crucial moment when they are about to capitalize on this investment, a thief enters the scene, poised to seal away the goodness. Is it possible an ICD or advanced contingency plan should be consulted to thwart the loss? It is probable the formation of laws, rules, and regulations plus the vindictive nature of some humans won't exercise compassion and will treat all parameters in a technical, rigorous behavior devoid of personality.
The wealth is in the understanding, not the ruling.
Earning Respect With An Engineering Mind
The best things in life aren't about income. For me, few feelings rival those which resulted from finding a solution to the Rubik's cube puzzle or figuring out how to place a 125 pound bat house in a tree atop a 25 foot ladder during a windstorm. All the book learning and classroom time....eengh. It is street smarts and survival which tests mettle. To see what needs to happen and make a plan to accomplish the goal is rewarding, but it is especially gratifying when the goal is achieved.
I know which brain-work I am capable of doing. Left-brain, right-brain, no-brain. Satisfaction isn't free, widespread, or easy.
I know which brain-work I am capable of doing. Left-brain, right-brain, no-brain. Satisfaction isn't free, widespread, or easy.
Just Do It Please, Or Else
Don't wanna do it
Can't make me do it
Ain't gonna do it
Motivation gone
Must not lose focus
Lost the will to achieve
Will not backslide
Gave it my best effort
Could not justify reentry
Do it, Damn it
Do it...or else
Or else what?
Or else it won't get done?
We need a change
The difference is now
Do it
Can't make me do it
Ain't gonna do it
Motivation gone
Must not lose focus
Lost the will to achieve
Will not backslide
Gave it my best effort
Could not justify reentry
Do it, Damn it
Do it...or else
Or else what?
Or else it won't get done?
We need a change
The difference is now
Do it
Some People Just Don't Get It
What is the point of working hard? Is it so that you can enjoy a standard of living above and beyond that which other people are comfortable with? Consider for a moment that work is the driver and enjoyment is a reward. Have you ever heard it said "Hard work is its own reward" and then wondered, "What the heck does that mean?"
To thread the eye of the needle on its first attempt brings additional satisfaction to the tailor. It means they can put more concentration into difficult parts of sewing because the easier parts did not waste their resources.
Everyone has heard some form of the Peter Principle (PP), that folks are promoted to their highest level of incompetency. This would imply after some settlement period that the exact wrong person for the job will hold a position for which they clearly cannot master (else they would have ascended the ranks into a subsequently higher achievement). The PP is in direct opposition to that "Hard work..." statement because the proper motivation for satisfaction is assumed to be change.
Given this line of reasoning it makes more sense to unthread needles than it does to risk fixing the wrong button onto a shirt.
To thread the eye of the needle on its first attempt brings additional satisfaction to the tailor. It means they can put more concentration into difficult parts of sewing because the easier parts did not waste their resources.
Everyone has heard some form of the Peter Principle (PP), that folks are promoted to their highest level of incompetency. This would imply after some settlement period that the exact wrong person for the job will hold a position for which they clearly cannot master (else they would have ascended the ranks into a subsequently higher achievement). The PP is in direct opposition to that "Hard work..." statement because the proper motivation for satisfaction is assumed to be change.
Given this line of reasoning it makes more sense to unthread needles than it does to risk fixing the wrong button onto a shirt.
Basic Math Myths
- Math is a process of understanding absolutes in which all share equally.
- Math functions do not change during definition of parameters explaining said functions.
- Math creates situations whereby numbers become irrevocable and fun.
- Math requires total concentration be given which is then returned to the supplier in other but equally valuable forms.
- Math problems are fictitious and exist independently of the definition.
- Math geeks grow up and become well-dispositioned through favorable circumstances.
- Math skills are invaluable.
- Math contains all the elements that hope, life, and liberty would ever impress on the individual.
- Math logic governing relationships (mutual-exclusivity) is more important than Nurturing-logic (which says the struggle for peaceful co-existence requires that we accept less than ideal situations).
- And the #10 Math hoax: the decimal system in effect is independent of the average number of fingers and toes each individual carries and does not hinge upon coverage. In other words, if someone with seven fingers total were to gain power, justification fabricated for mass removal of digits would be in the public's best interest.
Why Is It So Hard To Be Understood?
- Refusals in the Quest for Perfection feel most like intentional stupidity.
- Feigned knowledge is not smart.
- When espoused systems of support fail we search for meaning, losing identity, purpose, and motivation.
- As though "all is lost" was the only alternative to achieving excellence in every previous activity (i.e. "give it your all, do your best"), we suck at accepting options for success through second chances.
- What can be done in overload situations?
- It is most important to hang onto irreplaceable stuff.
- The value of life cannot be legislated.
How do Logic Puzzles and ABC's Tie it all together? We use science as a tool to substantiate our beliefs. For example, an artist may have full control of the color wheel but until the prism comes along to indisputably substantiate what "the eye of the beholder" sees as beauty, it is just another work of art. The legal profession touts the moniker "innocent until proven guilty" but in reality the phrase should be "guilty if able to be corroborated with science" because the system has been refined so that no one who operates outside of it will receive a just end.
So let's continue with the math and philosophy lessons, shall we?
We assumed
A+F must equal A+(B-D) or A+B-D
However we know (by definition) this is equivalent to C-D
So to restate the relationship,
Now take a philosophical perspective:
A causes B but C exists independently!
Do you understand what this means? For one situation it was shown that A and C were on opposite sides of the equivalency fence. But they are not related. This means that for other situations it is just as likely that A and C could exist on the same side of the equivalency fence, with or without the presence of other variables.
How then are we to proceed? Agree to a process:
1. Define the variables.
2. Identify known interactions.
A causes B
A and C are independent
3. Draw conclusions
Consider an imaginary example:
Is there a God?
Can all things be understood?
Will the purpose of existence be heightened or reduced by our behavior?
Does injustice hurt?
Does God hear our prayers for justice if we can't prove that God exists and what would be the possible ramifications of denying compassion?
So let's continue with the math and philosophy lessons, shall we?
We assumed
A+F must equal A+(B-D) or A+B-D
However we know (by definition) this is equivalent to C-D
So to restate the relationship,
Now take a philosophical perspective:
A causes B but C exists independently!
Do you understand what this means? For one situation it was shown that A and C were on opposite sides of the equivalency fence. But they are not related. This means that for other situations it is just as likely that A and C could exist on the same side of the equivalency fence, with or without the presence of other variables.
How then are we to proceed? Agree to a process:
1. Define the variables.
2. Identify known interactions.
A causes B
A and C are independent
3. Draw conclusions
Consider an imaginary example:
Is there a God?
Can all things be understood?
Will the purpose of existence be heightened or reduced by our behavior?
Does injustice hurt?
Does God hear our prayers for justice if we can't prove that God exists and what would be the possible ramifications of denying compassion?
Time for Caregiving
Time for Caregiving
This post brings the constellations and the satellites and associated relationships into synchronized orbit.
This post brings the constellations and the satellites and associated relationships into synchronized orbit.
There's not much use in pretending.
How do you know something is going to happen? Look for the signs. Nature is waaay too easy: increasing darkness...sunset; diminishing darkness...sunrise. But what about unnatural things? Collaboration between persons? Honest communication of needs? Trust, Faith, and Hope? This is the challenge of globalization. The last to fall are the hardest to hit.
Consider the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. What a concept of connectivity! Look at the six sigma strategy for quality. Will "defects" ever be viewed the same way again? So there really isn't much difference between macro and micro. What goes around comes around. If you ain't fer us yer again' us.
Imagine there were only one beer: a round Guinness on the house please! But what about those who prefer a lighter fare? What about wine connoisseurs and hard liquor drinkers? What about teetotalers? We're never going to please everyone. If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Might just as well please yourself. Mayhem. Chaos. Carnage. All this because of what? Diversity appreciation is not the same thing as oppression. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Here, let me take a look at that for you. Don't ask, don't tell. I feel your pain. We hear your cry. Let's work together, you and I.
Consider the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. What a concept of connectivity! Look at the six sigma strategy for quality. Will "defects" ever be viewed the same way again? So there really isn't much difference between macro and micro. What goes around comes around. If you ain't fer us yer again' us.
Imagine there were only one beer: a round Guinness on the house please! But what about those who prefer a lighter fare? What about wine connoisseurs and hard liquor drinkers? What about teetotalers? We're never going to please everyone. If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Might just as well please yourself. Mayhem. Chaos. Carnage. All this because of what? Diversity appreciation is not the same thing as oppression. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Here, let me take a look at that for you. Don't ask, don't tell. I feel your pain. We hear your cry. Let's work together, you and I.
TWEAKERS Business Plan:
- Gain Efficiencies
- Reduce Irritants
- Lose the High Cost of Replacement
To Go Green the Slogan "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" should always first consider Rework as a potential fix!
New Usages (for example: Singlet)
When does misusage become okay? Statistically speaking...whenever a following becomes established.
Face cards may never be built, but only paired. That is to say pairing is the only way face cards (K, Q, J) can be taken in. (Rules of Games, According to Hoyle)
singlet, 1. an unlined waistcoat, the opposite of a doublet, which is lined. 2. an undershirt (later: a man's undershirt or jersey) (Webster's Dictionary); (From Wikipedia) Singlet may refer to:
Definitions scarcely have opportunity to give both meaning and purpose. The Caregiver Manual poses a singlet amongst deviations.
Face cards may never be built, but only paired. That is to say pairing is the only way face cards (K, Q, J) can be taken in. (Rules of Games, According to Hoyle)
singlet, 1. an unlined waistcoat, the opposite of a doublet, which is lined. 2. an undershirt (later: a man's undershirt or jersey) (Webster's Dictionary); (From Wikipedia) Singlet may refer to:
- singlet state, in theoretical physics, a quantum state with zero spin
- in spectroscopy, an entity appearing as a single peak; see NMR spectroscopy
- in optics, a single lens element, the building blocks of lens systems; see lens (optics)
- Australian/New Zealand term for a sleeveless shirt
- a one-piece collarless garment, also known as a vest
- wrestling singlet, a one-piece garment specific to wrestling
- BID/60, a British encryption machine
- Singlet oxygen, the common name used for the diamagnetic form of molecular oxygen
Definitions scarcely have opportunity to give both meaning and purpose. The Caregiver Manual poses a singlet amongst deviations.
Infinitesimal Detail: Rice Krispie Stuff
In no particular ranking:
- Customized Rice Krispie Treats
- Building Blocks
- String Beads
- Linear Thinking
- Youthful Potential
- Thwarted Decline
- Disenchantment, Lapse, Demise
SPAM: The Other Meatless Turkey
Global Rewiring plus Chinglish creates an environment rife for change.
What is spam? Spam messages are those nebulous comments which, if misconstrued, might appear to acknowledge your post but in fact are intended as self-serving deposits (i.e. not interested in you per se).
Who writes them? I asked an authority and this reply was received: I can only speculate and you may know this already… If they are leaving comments with URLs in them they are probably trying to inflate their inbound link count so they rank higher in search engine results. But I don’t know, if they are search engines like google, bing or yahoo, then this is certainly not the case.
…my quick take from a google search is (some spammers) recycle others’ content with the objective of increasing their search engine presence for advertising purposes.
I decided to add a step into my routine of deleting spam from blogs and share it a bit less intrusively. This spam is for you!

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"It is too bad that engineers don't think about what they will accomplish before they do it."
That's Me! But why is this man smiling?
What did the engineer say to the manager at the fitness center?
Nothing. If social skills were supposed to be getting a workout the two would have met in a church.
Think Like an Engineer, Write Like a Diplomat, and Talk Like The Wind
Many years ago I worked at Boeing. I remember one engineer always referred to me as a "Philadelphia Lawyer." I am still unsure of what was meant exactly by this moniker but it had something to do with "choose your words well."
I had a boss who was prone to making witticisms like "when you buy an airplane it doesn't come with flying lessons" and "we're not building Swiss watches here." Be careful. Don't lie, cheat, or steal. Let me put that in writing for you.
I had a boss who was prone to making witticisms like "when you buy an airplane it doesn't come with flying lessons" and "we're not building Swiss watches here." Be careful. Don't lie, cheat, or steal. Let me put that in writing for you.
Engineering Disease
Engineers can't be held responsible for exposing the truth.
Check out these Dilbert words and show compassion: http://www.dilbert.com/2011-01-11/
Check out these Dilbert words and show compassion: http://www.dilbert.com/2011-01-11/
How To Become An Expert
- Lose Inhibition
- Gain Ambition
- Pay Attention
- Hope
- Learn
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