
eViction conviction

Does a fish suddenly decide it will swim no more?

Where lies the greatest peril?

Get out. Get the hell out.

This water we're drowning in...recesses if we get out of the pool.

I'm sure of one thing: I'm doing the best I can.


Nothing Plainer

Weasel Words

The lower and upper fence points for the women are 84.75 and 194.45, respectively. There is one outlier for the women, 200, since 200 is outside the fence points.

The lower and upper fence points for the men are 30.5 and 210.5, respectively. There are no outliers for the men, since there are no values outside the fence points.

The median women's score is  larger than the median men's score; the men's range is larger than the women's range; etc.

Women-75th percentile=153.5, Men-75th percentile=143 Seventy-five percent of scores in the4 distribution for each group is at or below this value.

The average donation to the volunteer firefighters was $29.

Half of the donations were for $25 or less, and half of the donations were for $25 or more.

The most frequently occurring donation amount was $10.

If one counts customers arriving in a store over multiple 15-minute periods, on average, 2.65 customers will arrive every 15 minutes.

In the long-run, an average of 9.6 orders out of 16 will have an entry form.

Steve's z-score is 0.51 and Rachel's z-score is 0.49, so Steve scored relatively better than Rachel on Exam 2.

Since the normal probability plot is roughly linear, it appears that scores on this test are approximately normally distributed.

We can be 90% confident that the percentage of all people who prefer foreign cars over domestic cars is between 24.76% and 31.15%.

We can be 95% confident that the mean price of all college textbooks is between $106.88 and $1114 is between 24.76% and 31.15%.

We can be 95% confident that the mean price of all college textbooks is between $106.88 and $1114.12.

We can be 99% confident that the mean magnesium concentration for all seawater is between 0.6172 cc/cubic meter and 0.6848 cc/cubic meter.

At a 5% significance level the sample provides sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean battery life for these car batteries is less than the company's claim of 65 months.

At a 5% significance level the sample does not provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the proportion of large pizzas ordered is greater than 0.75.

There is moderate to strong positive linear relationship.

For every increase of 100 square feet, predicted price increases by $15,890.

This means a house of 0 square feet has a predicted price of-$109,920. This makes no sense. The least squares regression line is not an appropriate model for values outside of the given range of the independent variable.

68.68% of the variation in price is explained by variation in size.

Distribution is slightly skewed to the right since (x-bar) =27.1>26=median.

The normal probability plot indicates that the data is somewhat questionable with regards to normality. This hypothesis test should not be performed.

At a 5% significance level the sample does not provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the average amount of money that all JCCC students spend on gasoline in one week is greater than $40.

We are 90% confident that the mean study time for all students is between 3.93 and 5.79 hours.

Time increases by 0.8 minutes for each additional mile away from the college.

88.5% of the variation in time can be explained by variation in distance.

For a student living 30 miles away, it will take approximately 32.7 minutes to get to JCCC.